Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Castor Oil Milkshake

I'm officially 41 wks and 6days past my due date (officially 13days past). I've been contemplating trying blue cohosh like we did with Layla. I was 14 days past due with her and tried the tincture that night and she arrived the next morning at 9lbs. 8oz and tons of yellow vernix.
I feel undecided on natural induction (other than sex, walking, etc..) I want this baby to come when he (or she) is ready; however, my body aches and there is the weight of a bowling ball head sitting on my cervix. I'd like to encourage baby to come on out. I can't wait to hold him, nurse him, smell him.
Last night, I ran into my midwife that we used with our first two homebirths. She was a wonderful midwife and gave us amazing birth experiences. Infact, she is one of the first people that encouraged me to go unassisted once I had made that decision. So, last night we ran into her at the grocery store and she encouraged me to try the castor oil milkshake or a mixture of OJ, castor oil, and vodka to get baby to come. For what ever reason, her peppy encouragement made me feel OK with trying it. We bought some chocolate ice cream and some castor oil.
This morning Billy made me a "labor shake"with 2oz. (that's 1/4 cup-yuck!) of castor oil and 2 cups of ice cream. He started with one cup, but the CO taste was way to strong for me, so he added more ice cream. ....still tasted pretty bad.
Unwillingly, at 9:30 a.m., I chugged it down while holding my nose and chasing it with juice. It didn't really have a smell, but the taste was like melted chapstick..not pleasant.
Around 10 am. I felt incredible sleepy and laid down for a rest. I slept like a baby accept with the occasional kiddo running in to tell me something or lay with me. Gideon came in at one point and had a hour glass timer from a game and said, "Ok mommy, when the sand all goes to the bottom the time is up and the baby will come out." Ohhh if it was just that quick. lol
I got up around 11am and had my first wonderful visit to the toilet. Other than not feeling hungry at all, I feel fine.
Supposedly in order to jumpstart labor I'm suppose to take another 2oz of castor oil 4hrs after the first dose. I'm thinking I'll need to try a different method bc the ice cream took a bit too long for me to chug. Maybe I'll try my x-midwife's idea, just without the vodka. ((smile))

On MDC, I read another mamas experience with castor oil. She had taken the CO milkshake with 6 out of 9 of her pregnancies and went into labor every time. Hoping I'll be that lucky.

I'll update as the day goes on...maybe we'll have a baby tonight.

Going out in a bit to pick up some washable ink, so we can do the baby's footprints and placenta print when baby does arrive.

UPDATE: 2:22pm
I've visited the potty four times with loose bowels since 10-ish. Fun! Nothing too horrible (like on Dumb and Dummer).
We went to K-mart to buy some baby wipes and ink and I had a super strong contrax while walking around.
I just took my 2nd (and last dose) of CO at 2pm. This time I mixed it with a cup of grapefruit juice and 2oz (1/4c) of CO. All I can say is d~i~s~g~u~s~t~i~n~g. It did not disolve at all and created this nasty waxy juice layer at the top that was like chugging sludge. I made it through. It was definitly faster chugging the juice than the shake, but way more disgusting. Anyhoo, now we wait to see if labor will come. We should see some progress in 2-6hrs....hopefully!

UPDATE: 7:54pm
Having regular contrax for the past hour. They've continued to get stronger and continue through standing, laying, sitting, etc... Layla and I took a bath to see if they'd peter out, but nope. They've continued through the bath and now I'm breathing heavily through them. No bloody show yet, but I didn't get that with last dd until almost transition. Curious if this is all due to the castor oil and soon as it has completly passes through my system then these "contrax" will cease. Hope not. I'll update later (unless I'm pushing a baby out)...lol

Contrax lasted till around 3am and finally petered out to cervical pinches. I woke this morning still pregnant and with a renewed feeling of waiting. I believe my body/baby must not be ready. I sincerly believe if it was, then the castor oil would have worked. The contrax it brought on were strong and I had 100% belief that they were going to end up in full on labor. So, since baby is saying..No not yet....we will wait and wait patiently.


Erin said...

Hmm yum- castor oil shake! Come on baby your mama (and all of us :) wants to meet you!

Henny said...

having made it to 42.5 weeks I totally understand how you feel. about the "gentle induction" thing- I finally decided my body was telling me it needed a little help. once I canceled out my worries on what others would think, and canceled out my impatient feelings - I really sat and listened to my body. finally FINALLY I felt it telling me to try and give it a little nudge so I did. I had my hsband strip my membranes very roughly. my water broke and labour started immediately. in retrospect I think I had an unusually tough bag of waters. I had been having prodromal labour for WEEKS that would peter out.

anyhow whatever happens is meant to be. I hope it ends in a bay very soon! :)

Beyond Blessed in GA said...

Glad to see the update, thinking about you tonight! Hope its tonight!