Sunday, March 17, 2013

27 weeks pregnant with Evangeline Rose

Evangeline Rose 27 weeks! 
Evangeline~ "Good News"  God answering our prayers and giving us life in my womb after 3 years of asking is "Good News" to us and we are missionaries in Utah spreading His "Good News!" Her name has special meaning in both ways to us!
Rose~ from my maiden name "Rossell" and after our baby, Lulah Pearl, who is with Jesus and laid to rest under a wild rose bush.

Growing Life........

God's Goodness Overcomes Tragedy

I'm late posting this beautiful news, but here it is! The Lord is good! He has placed life inside my womb after 3 years of praying and asking...All in His sovereign timing and goodness. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

A BUN in the OVEN! 
God's goodness overcomes tragedy.

I refuse fear. I choose Truth!

Heavenly Father,
 As I go through this pregnancy, I choose to cast down every imagination; fear, anxiety and worry; bringing them into the captivity of Christ. I thank you that I have no need to fear bad news because You strengthen me and give me hope as trust in You. Thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You! I desire faith like Abraham, believing that ‘You exist and that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek You’. You said, ‘I would find You, God, when I seek You with all of my heart’. Father, I choose to seek You first, along this journey. I praise You! You said in the Bible, that ‘You would bless the fruit of my womb, the number of my days you would fulfill and that none shall be barren among your people’.  I thank you now, for giving me faith and hope to believe in this new miracle! A feeling of anxiousness has come over me at times now that I am pregnant. At times my mind is racing and my heart beats fast and fear takes hold of me. Father, help me to do as You say in Your Word, that ‘in prayer and petition, with a thankful heart to let my requests be made known to You. ‘As I lay my requests at Your feet, I exchange my anxious thoughts for a mind of peace. Perfect peace as you have promised, when my mind is stayed upon You. I praise You for that peace that passes all understanding.  As I go through these next months carrying this beautiful gift You've given to us, help me to delight myself in You, to be strong and of good courage, to not go ahead of your perfect plan. I praise and thank You, as I wait on You, that my strength is restored, so I can soar like an eagle. I choose to place my trust in You in waiting, believing You will refresh me.As I seek You, You said that ‘You would answer me and deliver me from all my fears.’ I praise You that You are with me, that I have no need to feel discouraged or afraid for this baby.Thank you that You are my strength and my help. Bring peace to my troubled heart as You uphold me with Your righteous right hand.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.